Which disorders can't be helped by neural therapy?

The therapeutic range of procaine or lidocaine is very wide, but neural therapy is not a cure-all. Experience to date suggests that the following cannot be cured or substantially improved by the Huneke method:

Mental disease
such as schizophrenia, manic-depressive illness, dementia, and hysteria; these properly belong to the psychiatrist's sphere.

Emotionally induced disorders
Iin which excessive mental stress (anxiety, worry, fright) have permanently affected the patient's mental balance; these require the help of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist capable of finding and eliminating the psychological interference field.

Deficiency diseases
When the body lacks one of its building blocks, such as a vitamin or hormone, this has to be provided from outside.

Hereditary diseases
such as hereditary blindness or deafness, hereditary epilepsy etc; but epilepsy that occurs after head injuries often responds very well to neural therapy.

Advanced stages of infectious diseases
such as terminal tuberculosis. In these disorders, neural therapy can merely relieve pain and the distressing shortness of breath. On the other hand, unilateral pulmonary tuberculosis has often proved to be due to an interference field.

Complete cicatrisation with mature scar formation
Such as Parkinson's disease (shaking palsy after encephalitis), muscle atrophy after infantile paralysis many years previously, advanced nephritis and renal atrophy, and cirrhosis of the liver. Multiple sclerosis responds only rarely to neural-therapeutic treatment, and the same also applies to transverse lesion of the cord (paraplegia), but the patient's mental and bodily mobility can often be improved by neural therapy in hemiplegia after a stroke (apoplexy and cerebral embolism) if treatment is not unduly delayed; treatment given only years later is useless. At the same time, such treatment is also a useful prophylaxis against the recurrence of strokes. The principle that applies here is that whatever is dead cannot be brought back to life, but damaged cells still capable of regeneration can be saved if the blood supply can be improved.
In doubtful cases, the decision must rest with the physician practicing neural therapy who is familiar with some of its technically more difficult injections.

Carcinoma cannot be cured by procaine alone. But we consider that this disease can occur only if there is a predisposition present in the patient and the regulating functions break down because they have become overloaded. If the energy metabolism is inhibited by an interference field, the cell respiration which depends on the metabolism will suffer. In many cases, the cell is where fermentation begins and the cancer forms. The cancer cell becomes disconnected from the autonomic power grid; it escapes from overall control, begins to proliferate in defiance of all biological laws and starts to expand by destroying adjacent cells. The first task must therefore be to reinstate the autonomic control mechanism, to restore normal innervation to the cells, and to make them again capable of receiving their vital supplies of oxygen and other building blocks. Hence, the most important task is first to remove the noxious stimuli that facilitate the development of cancer, particularly those blocking the autonomic system, by eliminating any interference field present. This is the best way to mobilize the organism's self-recuperating powers that had previously been laid low. All other measures (surgery, radiation treatment, dieting, detoxication, chemotherapy, immunobiological methods etc.) can be effective only if the organism's own defences in the basic autonomic system have first been reactivated. Procaine cannot cure cancer, but there can be no doubt that for us the road to a cure first passes via neural therapy according to Huneke.

Biological effects
such as those of climate and geopathic influences to which the patient reacts with illness.

Parasitic diseases
such as worms and their larvae, amebae, lamblia, trichomonal infections; and animal infections sommunicable to humans, such as psittacosis, toxoplasmosis etc.

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