Which disorders can be helped by neural therapy?

Every chronic disease can be caused by interference fields/disorders. Often, repeated therapeutic local anaesthesia (= segmental therapy) can help, particularly in cases of pain and itching. A faster and more elegant cure can be achieved if a procaine test at a subject site reveals an interference field and the cause of the disorder can be eliminated by a Huneke phenomenon. We now know that any chronic disorder may be due to an interference field. How often even an experienced neural therapist achieves a surprise cure that he himself had not believed possible in view of the type of disorder, its age and severity. Except for the cases listed in the next chapter, it is always worth trying this novel therapeutic method, especially when everything that orthodox, 'scientific' medicine has to offer had failed. The following list is a summary of disorders in which neural therapy has been found particularly successful; it makes no claim to be complete but merely offers a general view of the wide range in which neural therapy has been found capable of making a contribution.

Many people have difficulty in accepting that a single product should be capable of offering relief in such a large number of disorders. But in fact what we are looking at is not a remedy at all, but the effect of a product upon the ability of the body to restore itself to health. This is why the injection site is so crucial, for we must activate the organism's innate curative powers and help them effect a cure at the point where the disorder is transmitted and controlled: in the disturbed autonomic nervous system!

Headache, migraine, a sense of pressure in the head; the aftermath of concussion or a fractured skull, such as dizziness, disturbed equilibrium, or post-traumatic epilepsy; cerebral arteriosclerosis; improvement in the patient's mental and physical mobility after a stroke; various forms of circulatory disorders; loss of hair, trigeminal neuralgia, facial paresis, insomnia.

Glaucoma; all inflammatory eye disease, such as neuritis, iridocyclitis, keratitis, scleritis, etc.

Acute and chronic otitis media, vertigo emanating from the ear (Menière's disease), tinnitus, buzzing in the ears, partial deafness.

Hay fever, atrophic rhinitis, chronic catarrh, loss of the sense of smell, sinusitis.

Throat and neck
Enlargement of the thyroid (goitre) with or without hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis); severe nervousness accompanied by anxiety states, compulse weeping, etc; chronic tonsillitis, constant sensation of a lump in the throat; whiplash syndrome after car accidents.

Bronchial or cardiac asthma, angina pectoris, stabbing pain in the cardiac region, cardiac oppression; condition after infarct, cardiac neurosis (nervous cardiac disorders of indeterminate etiology); myocarditis, silicosis, emphysema, certain forms of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Liver and gallbladder disease, disorders after jaundice; gastric and duodenal ulcer, disorders of the pancreas, gastric neurosis, chronic constipation or diarrhea, colitis.

Pelvic region
Women: Inflammation of the womb, fallopian tubes and ovaries; menstrual pain, vaginal discharge; disorders after miscarriage or difficult delivery; infertility, sexual disturbances, morning sickness, tendency to miscarriage.
Men: Enlarged or inflamed prostate, impotence. Kidney disease; disorders of the bladder, such as bedwetting, irritable bladder, etc.

Joints, vertebral column, muscles
Arthrosis deformans, degenerative disorders accompanied by the formation of bony excrescences; cervical syndrome, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, damaged intervertebral disks; Bechterew's disease, backache, degenerative hip disease (coxarthrosis), lumbago; disorders of the knee, joint and muscular rheumatism, arthritis, coccygodynia; sprained ligaments, torn muscles and sequelae. Periostitis (e.g. tennis elbow) after overexertion or accidents, amputation-stump and phantom-limb pain; organic circulatory disorders in arms and legs, post-traumatic osteoporosis, vascular spasm, lymphatic congestion, sport injuries.

Chronic skin disease (e.g. eczema), painful scars, keloid scars; all types of inflammatory disorders; anal and vaginal itching, hemrrhoids, thrombosis, boils; pain after shingles (herpes zoster), warts, slow-healig wounds; varicose ulcers.

All forms of neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica; depression after illness or surgery; 'nervous' organ-realted disorders, emotional disturbances, functional disorders; all types of painful conditions.

General disorders
Allergies, neurodystonia, pathological premature ageing; degenerative disorders, sudden loss of performance, post-operative disorders; hormonal dysfunction, weather sensitivity, etc.

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