Melchart, Brenke, Dobos, Gaisbauer, Saller

Natural Therapy

Guideline for additional medical training

Including a contribution about neural therapy by Dr. med. M. P. Dosch.

Comment of the German Physician's Magazine (18. May 2001):
"Many Germans think that physicians do not use enough alternative medicine in their treatments. 45 percent of patients with this opinion are looking for a more gentle treatment with less side effects. 83 percent of the population reacts positively when hearing the term natural medication. 67 percent of these people, who are experienced with natural medication and alternative treatments, wish that more physicians knew about this method."

For physicians who would like to learn more about natural therapy and neural therapy in order to use it in their practice, this book is the ideal guideline. It is not only a valuable source to prepare physicians for examinations, but also for everyday use in practice.

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